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Have you made a fitness resolution for 2019? Preparing to get out and about more – perhaps on a horse, perhaps walking around racecourses?!

Worried about dropping, damaging or losing your phone while you’re on the move? Not any more…

PhoneHug® a funky phone accessory, made from food grade silicone rubber, stretches around the top and bottom of your phone securing it tightly. The robust loop allows you to connect to a carabiner and lanyard, or just hang it up!

Fitting the vast majority of smartphones, PhoneHug® attached to a lanyard helps you to keep hold of your phone, so you can now wear your phone from your belt loop, your wrist, or around your neck, leaving you to have your hands free and phone safe.

PhoneHug® helps to prevent the silent drop of your phone on the grass, or the hard crack as the screen goes on a hard surface. Attached to a bag handle, PhoneHug® makes it easier to locate your phone, rather than hearing voicemail kick in as you finally find it…

Simple and easy to use, fitted or removed in seconds, PhoneHug® is the only phone holder that has a strong and robust loop, grips tightly to the phone and is compatible with the vast majority of smartphones. Available in eight colours with a range of lanyards to choose from.

PhoneHug® is popular with those who love the outdoors and adventure, people have said they don’t know how they managed before they had PhoneHug®

“A simple yet amazing idea that works a treat. I lose my phone multiple times a day with work and spend what feels like hours walking round venues in different rooms retracing my steps, as much as its fabulous for work it’s amazing when I am at the yard visiting the horses and riding. How did me or my phone survive before! Unfortunately, I need to order a new one already, as my mum has seen and ‘borrowed’ mine on a permanent basis! I just love it!!”

“You know those things you never knew you needed till you’ve got one of them? This is one of those. Brilliant idea!”

PhoneHug® was established when two friends, Sam Fairbrother, a former commercial photographer and Geoff Barke, a concert runner, (now husband and wife) had a conversation around the kitchen table, voicing their concerns about phone theft and loss in their own industries, along with the many personal accidents that had occurred with their phones. They discovered three million of us here in the UK damage or break our smartphones every year and have spent £5 million on repairing them in the last two years. In addition 500,000 of us here in the UK have our phones stolen every year!

Sam and Geoff know how stressful and time consuming a lost or damaged phone can be and believe PhoneHug® can reduce the unsavoury experience by helping people keep hold of their phones.

Giving back is a large part of the team’s drive, to date PhoneHug® has helped a number of charities including; Trees for Life, Balkan Underdogs, Help for Heroes, Future Dreams, South Manchester Rehome & Rescue, Girl Guide volunteers and local fundraising events. They look forward to helping more communities, charities and environmental projects.

PhoneHug® is environmentally aware and uses compostable cellophane on all lanyard products and aims to be using compostable packaging for all products by 2019.

For more information visit

To celebrate the start of 2019 and help you get the most of being out and about with your phone, PhoneHug® has teamed up with to offer FIVE lucky readers the chance to win a PhoneHug® (£8.95 each) and lanyard (from £3.95 each) set. The winners will be able to choose from the colours available and in stock.

Please see Competition Terms & Conditions.

Competition closes at midnight on 20th January 2019.

To enter the competition please fill in your details below:

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