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Magners Irish Cider kicks off The FestivalTM by welcoming the 25,000 Irish fans flying into Bristol Airport from Dublin, with a 250ft installation, located directly under the flightpath, visible on the approach to the UK.
The vinyl installation, situated beside the coast in Pembrokeshire, took a team of four three days to complete and has nearly 3,000 industrial tent pegs to keep it firmly in place for the duration of The Festival (TM).
The brand, which is known as Bulmers in the Republic of Ireland, is the first ever presenting partner of The Festival, the largest Anglo-Irish event in Europe.
In total, over 260,000 fans will make the journey to Cheltenham, with the pinnacle of the week’s racing being the Magners Cheltenham Gold Cup on Friday 15th March.
Magners says it is ‘Irish personified, renowned for spontaneity, optimism and effortless sociability’ – all of which can be experienced through The Festival and in Magners’ bespoke bar – Ciderland – in The Orchard at Cheltenham Racecourse.
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12th March 2019 – Day One: Champion Day – click here
13th March 2019 – Day Two: Ladies Day – click here
14th March 2019 – Day Three: St Patricks Thursday – click here
15th March 2019 – Day Four: Gold Cup Day – click here
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